Assuming the rental management of a property is far from obvious. You have to devote your time to it, and also have a good knowledge of the rules that directly or indirectly concern renting. In addition, there are many scams that a landlord can fall victim to. This is the guarantee of being safe from fraud both from the tenant and from certain service providers.
Rental management and bad payers
The most common scams in rental management are those committed by bad payers. We are not talking about those who do not pay. They are in a sense protected, as an eviction procedure is long and expensive. Choosing the right tenant is the first thing to do to protect yourself from this type of tenant. This mission can be entrusted to the agency in charge of the administration of the property.rental contract
However, the best way to protect yourself from delinquent payers is to protect yourself against the risk of non-payment. One solution is bail. But because the guarantor may enter a difficult period, the best insurance is the guarantee of unpaid rents. The rental management professional will advise and guide you in choosing the best offer
Rental management and damage to the property
Housing damage can lead to a rental management scam. A bad tenant can be the cause of several deteriorations of the property. We are not talking here about normal wear and tear, but about damage that is caused during the period of occupancy. The scam will consist of the tenant showing bad faith in order to avoid being held responsible.
This is why an inventory of fixtures must be drawn up before any occupation. This is not a simple recommendation, but a legal obligation. It will allow at the end of the lease to distinguish the degradations that already existed from those that appeared during the lease. In this way it will be easier to establish who is responsible for what other repairs. Go to for more information on this subject.
Protection against scams from other parties involved in rental management
In rental management, the tenant is not the only interlocutor of the landlord. Different service providers can be used. This is the case, for example, with insurers and building contractors. As far as the latter are concerned, they can intervene before an inventory of fixtures. This is usually the case when certain repairs are necessary before considering a new lease contract.
Renovation work can be carried out after a tenant has vacated the premises. Doing so can increase the value of the property. The professional responsible for managing the property will then be able to find a contractor. He or she will ensure that the work is carried out on time. He will also make sure that there is no deception in the estimate.
If for an inventory of fixtures it is possible to do without a property manager, the best way to avoid scams in rental management is to entrust it to a professional. A mandate must be signed in this case.
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