
When you are looking for a property rental and don't necessarily want to live in a cramped living space, the most favourable solution in this case is to share a flat, a new trend that was initially launched by students and that many adults appreciate and find so much pleasure in. Such an alternative allows individuals to save money and enjoy greater comfort following the signing of a lease, which often includes a solidarity clause.

The advantages of sharing a flat

One does not necessarily choose to share a flat not only for its economic contribution but also to learn how to live in community and benefit from it; there is also a solidarity, human and warm side to this lifestyle. Shared flat-sharing has developed a lot in recent years, as it is obvious that rents in the capital especially reach astronomical amounts.

The conditions to be respected in the context of a flat share

Apart from the advantages of size, which have just been mentioned, it should be noted that a collocation project also has disadvantages that should not be overlooked. It is therefore necessary to study the question carefully before embarking on it and to ensure that one is capable of managing community life without suffering from it. Indeed it is important to select the roommates carefully, i.e. there must be a minimum of affinities and draw up rules of procedure in order to specify the living conditions of each person in the accommodation. Such rules will explain the standards that each one must respect, his responsibilities and his limits because indeed for the roommate to be a source of joy for all, it is good to respect certain rules, such as for example the respect of others and the fact of having a well defined living space. On the other hand, it is necessary to set up a planning system where all the flatmates will volunteer to manage household chores.

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